Hello 2018.. what do you hold?

There have been some years i’ve been ready for, you know that feeling when you’re like come on world I’ll handle what ever you throw and there has been some when i’ve thought jez thank god that last years gone.

I’m a bit undecided about 2018 but I have the feeling it’s gonna be a good one. Somewhere in my gut i’m excited! So below is my scribblings of my plan. (fyi I don’t get paid for any brands I mention, I want to share them incase someone else might want to use them, i love them)

Phase one – Resolutions

  1. Have more Adventures
  2. Loose weight
  3. Stop holding myself back

…and because these 3 are beasts lets just stick with 3.

1 – Have more Adventures

The plan for this year is to really get stuck into my UK county challenge (If you’ve not already read my post on this check it out here) I am now armed with a new scratch off UK county map and Yorkshire looks sad and lonely being the only scratched off. My aim for Jan and Feb is to accomplish at least one each month. Are you thinking ‘only one, jesus why is she limiting herself?’ well the answer to that would be when i choose to do something I put myself all in and then it gets overwhelming so i’m taking a few peoples advice and starting small. You never know I may end up doing more! I bought myself an Erin Condren planner which i love. The aim of this is to keep myself accountable and plan.


I’m also planning a bigger adventure, shortlist is Vietnam, cambodia or thailand (or all 3) suggestions welcome though.

2 – Loose weight

Skinny me!

I’ll save you from the before shots which I made my other half snap of me today. eugh! I’ve decided to get my shit together. I’d like my skinny self back

I guess the old addage of you can’t out train a bad diet means I’ll be focusing on both food and exercise. (even that word makes me cringe)

Therefore the food will be planned and the exercise scheduled in.



Exercise plan – Once a week:

  1. Personal trainer (he’s my luxury, he’s ex SAS so tough and means i include weight training that I love. I hate gyms so think of him as my gym)
  2. Yoga (I use yoga with Adrienne, she does a 30 day challenge every January so I did that last January and loved it, mind you i only made it to day 15. This year i’ll be doing it but not every day, as for me it felt a struggle when i got back from work late and i think thats why i stopped)
  3. Run (in 2014 I weighed 11st (she sighs) I did this by running and so I’m gonna get myself back out there)
  4. WARNING guilty pleasure: Fitness Marshall (I have the co-ordination of a flee but i like the idea of grinding out a little dance, in my head it feels like i’m ruling it.  However reality kicks in when i notice my reflection in the TV screen lol. But F it it’s a laugh. blinds down, door shut, do it!)


Diet is by far the bloody tricky bit. I love sugary bad things from Dairy Milk to candy laces. I’ve noticed previously that being a little more organised works so..

The plan:

  1. Finish listening to The power of Habit (this audio book was recommended to me but a consultant at work when he’d just run a great session that had helped us pick a habit to put in place but i had to ask him how to stick to it. Hence the book recommendation. Let me know if you decide to read/listen to it and tell me what you think)
  2. Drink more water (I always feel better when i swap out a brew for water)
  3. Plan food (creating a basic meal plan with more protein, as focusing on this has helped me before and also might help us some some dosh for adventures 🙂 )

3 – Stop holding myself back

It seems like a bit of a cop out to say but with this i’m just gonna ‘Say Yes More’ (as Dave Cornwaite would say) I wanna find out what would happen if i just did stuff and tried things. End of!

Right thats it. Got any tips for me or thoughts of comments I’d love to hear! I’ll keep you posted on my progress. Lets do this!


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